The classic 1971-1974 “DR”
- Based on Dave Reeves’ Classic Circuitry
- Custom Partridge clone transformers built exclusively for HI-TONE Amplification by Heyboer Transformers
- 18 watts via 2 x 6V6 Power Tubes
- Internally linked input based on a discovery by Pete Cornish that linking two channels created a more balanced sound for a certain “comfortably numb” guitar hero
- Controls: Normal Vol | Brill Vol | Bass | Treble | Middle | Presence | Master Volume
- built with premium SOZO signal capacitors
- standard with TAD premium selected and or JJ tubes
Head dimensions 22 1/8”L x 9 1/8”H x 11 ¼”D
Weight: 29 lbs
Shipping Dimensions: 30” x 16” x 16”
Shipping weight: 35lbs
Due to the nature of our shop and dedication to a superior product please allow 12-13 weeks build time if the amp is not listed as in stock.
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HI-TONE model 1121, 1 x 12 cabinet loaded with
Qty 1 – HI-TONE DR-F 12″ Guitar Speakers
- 75 watts max – 16 ohms total load
- Highest Quality Construction:
- Premium Baltic Birch baffle and sides
- CNC finger joined corners for maximum strength and durability
- 1″ MDF ported
Dimensions: 25″ Wide x 20.25″ High x 13.5″ Deep
Shipping weight: 46 lbs.
Stefan Kozlowski –
This amp and cabinet are exceptional in several ways. The build quality is so good, it makes me feel like my other amps & cabs are crap. All joins, joints, parts and assemblies have a noticeable craftsmanship about them, which in my experience, stands out above anything I’ve ever seen before. Heck, even the tolex is applied so well, that it stuns me.
The tone of the amp, mated with this cabinet is what one would expect from a Hiwatt-like amp. Clean and at times even glassy but there are myriad other sounds here too. Using the jumped channel enables and entire array of options to be dialed, and when coaxed, the amp will overdrive with a wonderful taste of distortion but the sound always stays articulate and never becomes muddy. I’ve also run many pedals through this amp and it’s simply the best pedal platform I’ve ever tried.
Finally, this amp & cab, when considered together is actually a bargain. I’ve paid more for other amps/cabs and none of them lived up to the standard set by the CUSTOM LOWATT and HT1121. They present themselves in sound, vision and feel as something costing twice the price. This is the boutique amp experience in all its glory and oddly enough, value.
Now I’m trying to conjure up some justification for owning a 50 watt model